
Friday, February 25, 2011

Not good at blogging.. must practice more!!

Well it's Day 4 of the 12wbt program & I'm very pleased with my motivation levels. 

I lost 1.1kgs in the 1st week so was even happier!  I feel so much better for eating healthier, alot of my stomach troubles that have been going on for years have all but disappeared YAY!!! 

Exercise:  I still feel a bit all over the place but have made an effort to do it everyday, other than Monday (yep Day 1) when I was sick & depressed & hardly got out of bed.  But made up for it rest of week.  The strength days i'm finding a bit of a challenge as the outdoor program is a bit ho hum & I tried the kinect the other night & spent more time buggering around with it then doing, OMG it goes so painfully slow from 1 exercise to another. 

Intend of doing my fitness test tomorrow (well today now) so best go get my beauty sleep :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

6 days to kickoff....

Well haven't done as much exercise over the last few days as i'd have liked....  this morning was tired & just did not want to get up.  Yesterday I had planned to Zumba last night but ended up out at tea instead with a girlfriend so didn't make it :(

So tomorrow morning walk!  Tomorrow evening Zumba! That is my aim, just gotta convince Hubby to let me go & leave him with the boys. :)

Bought myself a HRM but haven't got it yet so hopefully before Monday.

Also need to weigh, measure & photography tomorrow, Wednesday.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yummy healthy breaky.... Kapai Puku with Yoghurt

My 1st Post

I joined 12wbt because I really love Mish's ideas on life & fitness & that tough love approach seems to work for me!  I'm pretty renowned for not finishing things I start & even I can recognise that so a few extra goals would be to blog almost daily & finish 12wbt & attend Finale (how could I not since its in my State).

My goal weight clothing is a pair of jeans that i've had for about 10yrs, they have NEVER fit me but at 69kgs (my goal) they would. Probably out of fashion now but it's the fitting that matters not style.

Last year I was diagnose with Adult ADHD & this explains alot of my problems over the years.  I've been on anti-depressants for at least 10yrs & all thru my 20's I'd start them then stop.  I've tried about 15 different sorts & still never felt 'right'.  My son was diagnosed about 18mths ago & while researching ways I could help him came across some info that made me go OMG THAT's ME!!  So now on medication for it but still on the AD's but will slowly start to wean off them.

I've been overweight most of my life, although when I do look at pics of me as a teenager I wasn't fat, although I did get teased for being so.  My Mum is overweight & so when I put on weight I get the eyeball up & down... followed by my WHAT & her commenting that I've put on weight again.  Maybe that is part of my problem wanting to prove I have control & what she says doesn't matter to me, oh crap I dunno!  lol   Although the Psycologist I saw for awhile did say subconsciously that is what I do. 

My youngest son is very overweight, he is 7 and currently weighs 50kgs.  He is obsessed with food.  Although active he eats continuously & will happily help himself & lie about what he's eaten.  So I need to lead by example & become healthy also.  They say kids do about 10% of what you say, 10% ignoe, 80% follow by example.

My oldest son (9) is the lazy one & should be the one overweight as never wants to exercise & loves games (electronic variety) but will starve rather than have to get it himself, he comes under the category of he's so lazy it's a wonder he remembers to breathe. He also fidgets, which drives me nuts at the dinner table but also helps him burn off calories, he's a healthy normal weight, and has a healthy normal relationship with food.

Well that will do for Day 1.  
